About OpenDANES

We are a peer-reviewed academic venue that publishes high-quality tutorials and research papers. Our intent is to engage all levels of interested students and scholars, from beginners to advanced. Tutorials range from introductory digital literacy to instructions on cutting edge computational approaches to ancient Near Eastern texts, art, and artefacts.

In recent years, the field of Near Eastern studies has undergone a digital revolution, with comprehensive online repositories making the digital publishing of ancient artefacts, texts, and art a more sustainable and common practice (see the online resources page). Moreover, the application of computational methods, from quantitative and statistical analyses to more advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) models, has opened up new possibilities for answering novel and complex questions about ancient civilizations.

At OpenDANES, we are committed to promoting scholarship and advancing pedagogical tools and code. We welcome novice and advance level tutorials, original research articles, project reviews, and resources that address a wide range of topics related to the intersection of computational approaches and the study of the Ancient Near East. Our peer-review process is rigorous and transparent, ensuring the highest quality standards for the papers we publish.

Thank you for visiting OpenDANES. We look forward to receiving your submissions and continuing to build a vibrant community of scholars and students in this exciting and rapidly evolving field.

Editorial Board

When a manuscript is submitted to the OpenDANES platform, it goes through an initial review process by the OpenDANES editorial board. Three board members of the relevant specialty assess whether the tutorial or white paper’s scope are fitting to OpenDANES and are of sufficient academic rigor. For the full review process, see our submission guidelines.

The editorial board includes members from varied fields within ancient Near Eastern Studies, who combine computational methods in their research:

Editorial Team

Our editorial team is in charge of being in contact with authors through the process of submission, assigning peer reviewers, validating code and manuscripts, and uploading successful submissions to the website.

The editorial team members are: